Monthly Musings - July 2015

Sometimes you just need to look around you to find something that makes your heart skip a beat. This is a shot taken on our farm. Isn't nature amazing?!



I've been thinking an awful lot lately about our constant need for "more". By more I don't mean more things necessarily (we already know we have a serious problem on that front). I mean more of everything. I feel like we've been tricked into thinking we need to care about the latest everything - cafe, film, super food, business theory, hashtag, whatever - in order to be a successful human being. But actually, I'm realising that we need to care less.

This month I'm practicing "less" - less doing, more being - hence, fewer links below. The ones that are there are an interesting starting point if you'd like to be reminded how wonderful you are, just as you are. Without having to do anything at all.

Happy hibernating. xx



I've been reminded this week just how lucky I am to have a few people in my orbit who I really connect with, and how lucky I am to come across new ones from time to time. It's a special thing. Read more. >



If you need an antidote to our impossibly cool hipster ways then this article should help. Glasses of wine on the footpath? This is what Tyler Brulé wants us to struggle for?  |  The cycle of letting go.  |  Ending the tyranny of cool.  |  As I plan a celebration for my impending 30th birthday, Chris Guillebeau's idea of a quiet dinner on the beach by yourself certainly has a certain appeal, except my version would be a country vista somewhere. Maybe somewhere like Arles, Provence.  |  Against Productivity - the essay that took 4 years to write.  |  The Aesthetics of Silence - the role of silence in creative culture.



These photos of gypsies - beyond stereotypes - are incredibly compelling.  |  If I have't already convinced you to get to Cuba (before everyone else does), these photos of beautiful Havana interiors should do the trick.  |  5 years of train hopping captured in gorgeous photos.  |  The traditional lives of Siberian nomads.  |  I love these photographic explorations of texture via Storehouse.  |  These stunning shots of unforgettable summer holidays feel so real that they are managing to soothe a very cold winter soul.



I feel like I've been having lots of conversations with some of my favourite people (hat tip Rachel ServiceRebecca LovittSally HillLaura Camelliri and Ben Grosz) about the importance of the process, rather than just the outcome - when it comes to change, design, thinking. As someone who is very preoccupied with and motivated by a thorough process, I love hearing this sentiment echoed in unexpected places. |  Tim Minchin on the BBC's Desert Island Discs. What would be on your list?  |  Explorer of "The Global Soul" Pico Iyer in conversation with Krista Tippett.


"I don't want perfect. I want honest."
- Not sure where this one originated, but the more times I hear it, the more I feel it resonates.